11. A Punch Catch - Henry Purcell
A rather nice song about getting drunk from Purcell. This song very likely ended up being sung at sea alongside shanties and other such sea songs.
The text was written by Thomas D'Urfey and was used in
The Richmond Heiress, a Drury Lane play which Purcell wrote the incidental music for (including this number).
Cool Nantz was the nickname given to brandy specifically from Nantes in France.
The other perhaps unfamiliar words here are shinkers, which was the name given to the person who pours out the drinks; and drawers, which refers not to underwear, but instead to someone who 'draws' the beer. So the basic idea being that by dipping into their own bowl of brandy based punch, they're able to get drunk much quicker. Hooray!
"Bring the bowl and cool Nantz, and let us be mixing, We've a great deal of bus'ness: 'tis time to be fixing. Dip your dish fair around to all jolly punch drinkers, We loose not a minute while we are our own shinkers; We need no damn'd drawers, our motions are quicker, We sit at the well, boys, and drink richer liquor."