B i o g r a p h y
Ben Pinnow BMus (Hons), MMus, MA, Dip. ABRSM
A South Wales based choral conductor, accompanist and musical educator, Ben, who is originally from Dorset, completed his Masters in choral conducting at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama under tutors Neil Ferris, Sarah Tenant-Flowers and Simon Halsey. While there he received the Busenhart-Morgan-Evans Bursary awarded by the Worshipful Company of Singers.
He studied piano with Richard Ormrod at Cardiff University and holds the ABRSM Diploma in piano performance.
Currently, Ben works as musical director for Côr Bro Ogwr, City Voices Bristol, Roath Community Chorus and is co-director of Cardiff Chamber Choir.
He is artistic lead for the Forget-me-not Chorus as well as being a member of the musical team. He also works on educational and outreach projects with Welsh National Opera and National Dance Company of Wales and is an alumnus of the Live Music Now scheme.
Ben also sings regularly with BBC National Chorus of Wales and is an organisational partner of the FAKS Sings Festival in Croatia.
- Diploma in Piano Performance - ABRSM
- Bachelor of Music (Hons) - Cardiff University
- Masters of Music (Composition) - Cardiff University
- Masters of Arts (Choral Conducting) - Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama